January 5, 2018

One year... and our rainbow

One year ago I was in a very rough spot.  One year ago I had lost hope.  One year ago I was questioning my faith, God, meaning for my life.  We had just gone through such a trying 3 months of frozen embryo transfers.  A failed FET, a chemical pregnancy and finally our miscarriage at 8 weeks. 

To say this last 365 days has been a whirlwind is an understatement.  After our miscarriage taking time off mentally, physically, financially then to experience a true and utter miracle in March 2017 with the natural conception of our now 6 week old son Easton.  I cannot begin to describe the ups downs and excitement this year has brought us.

Although I am beyond thankful for my newborn son, who is healthy happy and a gift from God, I think about my little baby that was gone too soon last January.  What would that baby be in our lives right now, how would our life be different?  Would that baby look just like Easton does or maybe more like Jackson? 

I sit there at night nursing my rainbow baby boy although exhausted, sleep deprived and in need of a shower and think that one year ago I would have done anything to feel these things.  In the moment now these seem like negatives, things that I look forward to getting better and passing.  But, then I ground myself and think of the countless women who don't get to experience these things, going through heart break month after month that they see only one pink line.  

For those who are just starting, in the midst or just gave up, I don't want to offer you false hope saying "if you just relax" or "when you aren't trying it will happen" because that's bogus, those words don't help they just sting.  I just want to give you a hug, and know that I think of you, I pray for you just as I pray for my baby gone too soon.  I pray for peace in our hearts.

Easton Gordon Hensel

January 4, 2018

Easton Gordon Hensel

Welcome to the world sweet little baby boy.  Easton Gordon Hensel was born November 18, 2017 at 6:25pm weighing 9 pounds 10 oz, 21.5 inches long grey/blue eyes and lots of dark brown hair. 

We were instantly put skin to skin after birth and held him there until after the first nursing session.  He had a nucal cord (cord around his neck) and needed a bit of crying after delivery to open those lungs up.  He latched on to breastfeed around 45 minutes of life.  After cuddling him, feeding and taking a lot of pictures, we finally put him on the scale and did his measurements.

Once my legs were no longer numb from the epidural we moved up to our post-partum room on 5th floor.  What a joy it was to be on my home unit and surrounded with my lovely co workers.  Seriously they are all the best!  Big brother Jackson, Mom, Dad, Kenzie and Jon were all there to welcome us to our new room and Jackson was so excited to meet his little brother.  He hopped right up into bed with us and wanted to hold him. 

After sending the family home that evening we tried to settle down for a little sleep.  Ha ha yea right... adrenaline from delivery still at a high and excited to see our little man.  Most newborns go through a first 24 hour sleepy stage.  Ours did not.  He wanted to nurse constantly, which I let him go to town as much as possible, but did take advantage of a little 2-3 hour stretch of sleep around midnight having him go to the nursery (thank goodness for that nursery).

The next morning Jackson and my family came back up for Easton's first bath, that Jackson helped me give him.  He wasn't to sure of the crying but was excited to see him again.

Sunday and Monday were spent nursing, trying to nap, eating yummy hospital food, and visiting with friends family and co workers. Monday afternoon we headed home after getting a nap in after the circumcision.  We were excited to be home and get settled with our family of four.

January 1, 2018

Breathe momma breathe

On Saturday, November 18th we woke up around 8am to start the day.  Our house had been filled with germs from Jackson having a cold and a GI bug the night before, and from a nasty bout of strep, and upper respiratory infection that I had.  I knew the baby could come any day and thought that today was the perfect day to scrub the house of germs while Derrick was home to keep Jackson occupied.  I ate my breakfast and started three loads of laundry and scrubbed the bathrooms, dusted the furniture and mopped the floors.

As I cleaned each bathroom I noticed the braxton hicks I thought I was having started to become a little more painful, more frequent and I thought "hey... I wonder if labor is starting".  After cleaning the house I tried to take a relaxing bubble bath, which turned not so relaxing as the contractions were only getting stronger, at this point they were every 5 minutes and lasting roughly a minute.  I wanted to get myself all showered and cleaned up and finish packing the suitcase.

I snapped this quick picture between contractions to do a comparison of the exact same gestation of my pregnancy with Jackson in 2014, I couldn't believe how far we had made it.
2014                                                                                                     2017

I thought we had a little bit of time considering I had been 2 cm and 60% effaced in the office two days prior, lots of time.... Around 2pm I was contracting every 4 minutes and lasting a minute and definitely strong.  We called my dad and had him come over to sit with a napping Jackson.  Around 2:45pm we arrived at the hospital checking in.  I was excited to see how far we had progressed praying the laboring at home did something.  When they checked I was 4cm and 100%, woohoo progress.  After labs and getting paperwork lined up I was able to get my epidural (praise the Lord and thank you to the awesome Dr. Rawlings for the great epidural).

Thankfully Dr. Friesen was on call for the day and happened to be there for another delivery so he stopped in and broke my water around 4:10pm.  They checked shortly there after and I was 6cm!  I called my sister and told her to make her way to the hospital to come see the birth and take pictures for us.

Around 5:50pm, I felt a lot of pressure and fullness and my wonderful labor nurse Terri checked and I was COMPLETE!  Time to get ready to push.  We did a few practice pushes around 6pm and at 6:15pm Dr. Friesen arrived.  After just 10 minutes of pushing my big beautiful baby boy Easton Gordon came into this world.  Love so much love.

Thank you to my sister McKenzie for taking some amazing pictures for us during the labor and delivery time.  I will spare everyone the really intimate pictures (haha) but I am so thankful to have those memories as the moments pass so quickly.