January 14, 2022

Boy Mom!

Throughout the pregnancy, since the boys first knew they had said they wanted a "sister" they wanted a GIRL.  I had very little 'feeling' on gender, felt swayed by the boys desire for a sister and questioned if maybe this time it was a girl?  The first trimester was a bit more rough with nausea, food aversions and exhaustion... However, I was 8 years older than the first time I was pregnant with Jackson so I doubted my logic.  That evening surrounded by family, Easton, Jackson, Derrick and I opened a box of balloons to see BLUE! Boy mom here I come.  While I was so excited to have another little boy in our family the look of disappointment and sadness on Jackson's face was heart melting.  Still to this day at 28 weeks they will comment "I wish we were having a girl", they will slip up saying she/her/sister when talking about the baby.  I know though once he is here that they won't be able to think of anything other than how perfectly he fits into our family.  I truly believe God gives us the babies we need.  And, I was destined to have all boys, I couldn't be more excited for it!!

Boy Mom!!

Jackson was less than trilled it was not a SISTER

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