Later that week while at work I stood up from charting and had a gush of blood. My heart sank. I thought for sure along with the moderate cramping I was having I was miscarrying... again. I was sent home from work and Dr. Friesen's office was able to squeeze me in for a ultrasound, blood work and exam. After seeing Dr. Friesen and having the ultrasound I felt a little more comfortable and understood that what was happening was a Subchorionic Hemorrhage. You can read more about a Subchorionic Hemorrhage here : Medscape , in a nutshell this type of bleeding is formed when a collection of blood forms while the placenta is attaching in early pregnancy. In some women the blood is absorbed and is never noted, on other women they bleed. It is a fairly normal finding as long as the positioning of baby is okay, and the bleeding slows/stops.
They sent me home that day and told me to lay on the couch, no lifting Jackson, and drink lots of water. So I did just that....
That afternoon the nurse called with my Hcg results 3849, Progesterone 47. Ultrasound showed a Gestational Sac, and a Yolk Sac but no fetal pole yet. We were still just a little too early at roughly 5 weeks 2 days. Dr. Maud still wanted me to come to Omaha the following Monday to check in with them, so we took the weekend easy and tried to not get my hopes up of seeing a little baby come the next ultrasound.
Written March 24th, 2017
Gestational sac, yolk sac in the inside |